Part 129: Unfortunately, resolving the broader situation may still take time.
-Town Where The Lights Went Out-

-Obstructive Existence-

I found these to be a lot easier than the Thunder Quakes back at the start of Chapter 5.

You've got good old Evil Eye and Thunder God Kick, for one...

...but their lightning attack is also only single-target.

None of these enemies can reflect arts either.

-Strepitoso Fight-

Bugs: fixed.

This'll make a nice souvenir for Kloe.

-Town Where The Lights Went Out-

Bridget: I can understand he feels the pressure to get the situation under control as the new mayor, but...I wish he wouldn't get so wrapped up in it.

Solomon: We'll need to ask for support in terms of food and fuel very soon, after all. Now then, time to go greet the new mayor.

Belden: Haha, yeah, thanks...My dad ended up becomin' mayor, so I'm helpin' out. Given the sit, even just doing whatever needs to be done is a lot of work.

Belden: Well, it's still basically just a part-time job. But no point in worryin' about it. I'll just keep workin' like I am.

Belden: Y-Yeah. Thank you very much. Anyway, I'm gonna do my best, slow but sure. It's a rough time, I know, but you guys take care too, Agate.

Dario: I have returned to manage the mayoral house after the new mayor was good enough to speak to me. Together with old comrades I am reflecting on the happiness of having work. I shall serve loyally and faithfully as if born anew. Should you have any business here, please speak to me.

Secretary Dels: U-Um...Thanks very much for the other day.

Secretary Dels: Much better, thanks. So, what's your business today at the manor?

Secretary Dels: Patrolling inside the town, then? Ever hard at work, huh. Well, should anything happen, I'll be here. I've been appointed as the mayor's secretary, so if there's anything I can do, let me know.

Secretary Dels: Yes, please don't hesitate.

Mayor Norman: I believe I came to you for your help with the hotel case during the election.

Mayor Norman: Oh...How embarrassing. Anyway, allow me to introduce myself once again. After all, I'm in a bit of a different position than when we last met.

Mayor Norman: I'm Norman, recently elected to the post of mayor. I hope to continue our cooperation in the future.

Mayor Norman: Hm, thank you. Still, I can't afford to sit back and enjoy my victory in this situation.

Mayor Norman: To be totally frank with you, there's not a whole lot I can do. While the original chaos has settled, the orbments still haven't been restored. In this situation, there's little I can do aside from providing on-the-spot aid to the citizenry.

Mayor Norman: Hm, you think so too, huh? It is a bit nerve-wracking to have this as my first job as the new mayor, but...I shall take it as a sign of the Goddess' faith in me and hold on somehow. We're dedicated to weathering this crisis. I'm counting on you to help resolve this issue as soon as possible.

Jabu: There's ferries by the warehouses, so if you're headin' to the North Block best ya use those. Lately our members have been workin' as guides. Use the ferry if you're headin' to the North Block, all right? The sign of a guide is this kickin' red bandana!

Portos: This should allow us to make sure the citizens get food supplies and basic needs stuff. It seems there's a great deal of criticism being put on the new mayor, but...Both the mayor and I want to protect Ruan. I intend to work with him and continue to support the lives of our citizens.

Terence: Our members are all out right now. Didn't you see them all yelling, 'the dock is over here'? Seriously, that Rocco. What a boring thing he thought up.

Picaro: Please wait in line.

Middle-Aged Man: You kids looking to cross over to the other side?

Middle-Aged Man: What do I...? Don't you know the Langland Bridge isn't working and stuck raised right now? Thanks to that, we've got to use boats to get across the river now. And this is the dock we're using!

Middle-Aged Man: No kidding it's inconvenient. Frankly, I don't think the city can take much more of this. At the direction of the mayor, rides are free. But...thanks to that, we end up backed up half an hour.

Murray: Onto the boat, now, come on.

Herio: That island-like thing appeared in the sky and now orbments won't work. *sigh* I really don't feel like walking all the way back to the capital. Passing through the Kaldia Tunnel without the orbal lights is something I could never do. I wonder when the airships are gonna resume service. If it's going to drag on, maybe I should go back and help the mayor.

Bargo: Per, peher...Pherthons wishing to croth, please head down. D-Dammit. I bit my tongue again...PER-SON-S wishing to cross...There. *phew* All right, got it perfect. Not gonna bite my tongue again!

Ernest: In this situation it is terribly difficult to maintain our normal services. I wonder how long this situation will persist...

Burt: Persons going to the South Block, please enter the hotel. You can reach the ferry port from the first floor of the basement.

O'Neil: Even I've never seen a phenomenon like this before. Putting that aside, speaking of things I've never seen...We're continuing to sell these new model glasses from the Central Factory. They're quite the convenient tool in places where the lights are out, apparently. If you don't have any, you should buy several.
If you're approaching the Kaldia Tunnel from this direction, O'Neil's Duty-Free has all the Night Goggles you need.

Todd: My brother's great, so I'm sure he's already fixed his orbal engine. We've got to do our best and do the same! I-I'll do my best and not give up!
Samario: Even us engineers don't know the reason the orbal devices have stopped working. If Clive was here, maybe he'd know something, but...I'm sure he's working hard on board the Arseille as part of their crew. I've got no choice but to do what I can.

Father Theodore: Somehow things calmed down after a bit, but I was pretty worried for a moment, there. How much we rely on orbal devices day to day...Recent events have certainly shown us just that.
Sister Frieda: The moment orbments became unusable, the city all but erupted...Enraged mobs of citizens pushed into the guildhouse and mayoral mansion...Thankfully, Father Theodore was able to persuade them somehow, but things were moments from a riot.

Stay gold.

Tobias: Not much we can do without a single orbal device working. They're not broken either...*sigh* I wonder what's going on.

Tobias: Oh, what's that?

Joshua explained that by using the Zero Field Generator, the factory's functionality could be temporarily restored.
Tobias: Huh, that's incredible. The machines are right here, so wanna give it a try?

On activation, the Zero Field Generator restored power to the factory's tools.
Tobias: Ohh, things are looking up. The orbal energy's returned to the machinery. I'm sure it's just a temporary patch, so if you wanna tune your equipment, now's your chance. Still, that's one incredible device. If you don't mind, could you leave one here?

Tobias: *sigh* I guess that was too much to hope for. Well, bring that when you come by. If you do, you'll be able to use the factory like normal.
Delivering ZFGs to all the Bracer Guild offices is a point of no return, and if I finish it now I'll be locked out of a couple things. So Jean's just going to have to wait.

All alone, in the dark, amid slowly mounting panic.
Stiff upper lip, Jean! Turn that frown upside down!

Now let's go gambling.
-Welcome to Le Locle-

Spiridon: Even in such difficult times as these, my doors are always open. We pride ourselves on antique machines that require no orbal power to run properly.

Lottelio: Seriously, the guy has a poker face like you wouldn't BELIEVE. It'd be kinda funny if he was actually freaking out and just wasn't letting it show on his face, though, right?

Alund: So now I'm here for another challenge! You know how it is. Gotta make a little mira to beef up that travel fund before the scheduled liners resume, right? I totally sucked when I started, but now that I'm starting to get the hang of things, it should be easy enough to win.

Fuego: You were in a most impressive match when last we met.

Fuego: My, no need to be so humble. If I may, I would be glad to serve as your opponent at any time. Please enjoy our games at your leisure.
Gunter: Hey, it's a dark and harsh world out there now. Why not play a few games to ease your troubles before you go? It's times like this where you need to make sure you have a little fun.
Fuego's poker game is where the big money is.

You start with five cards, and a rate of 1.

You can choose to hold or change any of your cards. You have one chance to make some sort of winning poker hand, even a simple pair.

A good hand will increase the rate--the multiplier on your payout. After a win, you can choose to cash out or keep going to try and multiply your rate even further. If you can't make any hand with your two draws, though, you lose your bet and your multiplier.

With a maximum starting bet of 10 medals, poker is slow to get going, but multipliers stack up exponentially. Even with nothing but pairs, just a little bit of luck and patience can turn a few hundred medals, into this.

The maximum rate is 9999, for a 99,990-medal payout--well, technically 99,980. RIPOFF.
Lavantar has some nice new prizes, too.

I'll take a couple of each of these.

-Obstructive Existence-

Just like with the Vanguard roadblock on the Elize Highway, the real threat here is those little jerks with the petrifying lasers.

Agate has been Muted. Oh horrors.

And that's the last bounty fight ever.

-Looking Up at the Sky-
At the first beach on Gull Seaside Way, you can head south along the coastline as well as north.

I've almost caught every type of fish. There are just three or four left.

Mahi-mahi spat out Fish Fillet x4.

Blue Marlin spat out Curative Horn x7.
I tried to go to Jenis Royal Academy, but the front gate was locked. The learning doesn't stop for trifles like insurmountable nationwide power failures, or ancient flying fortresses returned from banishment.

-A Cat Relaxing in the Sun-

Next time, we'll continue north through the rest of the Ruan region...and on back to Bose. Sorry, Jean.